Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for new, existing & expectant mums

Let Somebody Care for You While You Learn to Care for Yourself 

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (or CBT for short) is an evidence-based talking therapy that looks at the link between how you think, how you feel and what you do.

When we are feeling low or anxious, our thinking styles and behaviours can change and become unhelpful. In the short term, these unhelpful thoughts and behaviours can enable us to manage or cope in certain situations, but in the longer term they can fuel the original problem by creating a vicious cycle.

CBT aims to help you identify the thought patterns and vicious cycles that are negatively impacting your life. It provides you with strategies to break these cycles, so you feel better emotionally in the here and now. CBT can also help you learn and develop life-long skills so that once therapy is finished, you’ll be able to self-manage any difficulties as they arise.

What is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)?



CBT is a highly effective treatment for low mood, depression and anxiety. It can also help with:

  • Excessive worry and fear
  • Panic attacks
  • Distressing thoughts and memories from a difficult pregnancy or birth experience
  • Other unresolved past trauma(s)
  • Distressing intrusive thoughts
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Unrealistic high standards/perfectionism
  • Learning to spot, challenge and change self-critical thinking
  • Developing more self-compassion
  • Adapting to the physical changes that come with having a baby
  • Feeling calmer in pregnancy

Taking steps to improve your mental health can also benefit you physically. Numerous studies show CBT can reduce stress, improve sleep, boost your confidence and enhance the quality of your relationships and home life. It can also enhance your social life by helping you return to doing things you may have stopped or reduced due to low mood or anxiety.

What Should I Expect?

Treatment sessions last 50 minutes and are conducted either in person or remotely via Microsoft Teams. Appointments are generally offered on a weekly basis, but I am always happy to be led by you in terms of the support you need.

After defining your treatment goals, you will work towards them by learning strategies you can use to make changes to your thoughts and behaviours. If your emotional difficulties started roughly within the last year, it is likely you will need around 6-12 sessions. However, if you have been experiencing difficulties for a longer period of time, it is likely you will need more appointments (usually up to 20 sessions) to see the desired effect.

The goal of CBT is to teach you how to become your own therapist so you can go on to self-manage your symptoms. The more you practice outside of therapy, the more likely you will be able to independently manage your symptoms going forward. At the end of each session, we will agree a ‘homework’ or ‘skills practice’ exercise which will allow you to put into practice the skills learnt in the session.

Like going to the gym for your physical health, you can invest in therapy even when you’re well. Some clients choose to receive ongoing emotional support throughout pregnancy and the postnatal period at a frequency that suits them. For some, this is weekly appointments. For others, it is once a fortnight or once a month. These appointments tend to focus on how you’ve been getting on and working through any potential setbacks since your last session.

Alternatively, my Antenatal Class For Your Mental Health can help you spot when your mental health is starting to slip and what to do about it.

Do I Have to Wait for a Crisis Before Accessing CBT?

What Does it Cost?

Each session with me is £115 and lasts 50 minutes. I work Monday - Friday 9-3pm. I provide face-to-face therapy in my beautiful garden office in the Milton Keynes, MK3 area (you’ll receive the full address upon booking). There’s plenty of free on-street parking available and my therapy room is large enough for you to bring your baby if you want or need to. I also offer therapy remotely via Microsoft Teams. You’re welcome to book a mix of both face-to-face and remote sessions – I’m happy to go with whatever feels best for you.

Let's chat more about how I can help you

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